Egg Donation

What makes a woman an eligible candidate for egg donation program?

  • Premature menopause
  • Surgical menopause (after ovaries are surgically removed)
  • Ovary damaged after surgery-radiotherapy-chemotherapy
  • Genetic disorders
  • Advanced maternal age (especially over 45 years)
  • Low egg reserve

Choosing the Optimum Egg Donor

The reason why oocyte donation is the most popular technique used in fertility clinics can be increased maternal age. Careful screening of egg donors is very important to achieve  successful results.  Our multidisciplinary team of specialists carry out strict set of tests on the donor and identify the optimum donor for the receiving couple.

Screening includes the following;

  •  Medical, psychological and gynecological examinations
  • Blood and serological tests for infectious diseases
  • Examination of genetic history to eliminate most common hereditary diseases

Ovarian stimulation is done to harvest as many mature eggs as possible from the donor. The eggs harvested are fertilized by sperms from the male partner of the couple and fertilized eggs (embryos) are planted in the uterus of the woman.

Psychological, clinical examinations and genetic tests are the most important screening stages that need detailed evaluation for donor candidates in our clinic. These analyses should be done to achieve the highest level of suitability and safety.

1-Psychological evaluation done by an expert psychologist. Donor candidates also need to form a questionnaire to evaluate their personality.


2-Gynecological examination of the candidate. An evaluation process which shows both personal and genetic history of the donor and aims to eliminate pathological problems is done by the gynecologist who has a specialty in fertility,


3-Blood count, liver function tests, thyroid tests, prolactine, other hormone tests and coagulation tests

4-Blood type and RH factor


5-Sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis tests: Syphilis serology, Hepatitis B and C serology, HIV serology, cytomegalovirus tests (CMV), Rubella, Toxoplasma, Herpes virus I and II tests


6-Chromosomal and genetic evaluation to eliminate hereditary diseases. Thallassemia screening and karyotype tests.